Friday 17 December 2010

The Roomies of Grace Adieu

Title reference: "The Ladies of Grace Adieu" by Susanna Clarke

Tate's mum stopped by for a visit this past Wednesday and stayed for a couple of days, making our (er... my!) lives really miserable! Remember that song "Manic Monday" by The Bangles? Well, let's just say that it was Manic Wednesday, then Manic Thursday and, if she hadn't booked her return ticket prior to her arrival, it would have been a Manic Weekend, that would have probably driven me insane! 

It's almost ironic, really! You've read those news articles, stating things in the vain of that the average British household is as busy as it has ever been, yes? Supposedly, recession-strapped parents have taken on secondary employment to generate extra cash. Kids are involved in all sorts of extracurricular activities, seemingly with the aim of educating them beyond their parents’ current financial troubles, and so on...

Well, I can tell you now that either Tate's family is much wealthier than he says, or his mum is completely unmoved by the financial crisis and everything that comes along with it! The woman is a hurricane, or a Fury, whichever is scarier, and I pray for anyone foolish enough to dare "scorn" her!

Still, I like to try and stay positive, and believe that the Tates, as I personally call them, are not the rule, but more of the exception to it! Hopefully, the normal modern family had little time for unnecessary domestic tasks, and the little jobs which would have been performed by mum or dad a generation ago are frequently outsourced. Over is the "bring me the newspaper and slippers" routine, that places the woman only a little step ahead of the dog in the hierarchy! The missus has gradually moved to become if not an equal, then actually a leading source of income for the family! (You think I'm joking?! Just look at your own boss... Or is she a lady-boss?) Anyway, whatever you or your wife are working, it's a fact that middle-class British households employ an increasing number of unnecessary domestic tasks, and the little jobs which would have been performed by mum or dad a generation ago are frequently outsourced.

Which is not that bad of a thing, if you're a "once upon a time" housewife, I guess! You're tired of sofa cleaning? Well, then it's time to get professionals to do the dirty job for you!

Or even better... You can try hiring one of those rigid and thoroughly British nannies and butlers (anyone thinking of... Sebastian?!) that have been so popular in Englishmen's imagination since the Victorian era! The economic principles behind the current trend for employing domestic assistance, however, are much different than the somewhat dated image of Jeeves the butler that we’re all so accustomed to. 

 Why is that so? I'll give you a hint - does... freedom of migration from Eastern Europe sound familiar to you? No? Then maybe you should think about the European Union... and all the foreigners it granted free entrance to the British Isles! Plumbers, builders, lorry drivers, maids and other domestic cleaning professionals came in spades. The effect was a significant decrease in the price of domestic assistance and blue collar personnel, making these services more widely available than ever before. So, if you have an old, rugged sofa and wish it clean... just go get yourself some professional sofa cleaners! Why do it yourself, when you can have someone do it for you?

Anyway, it is a fact that the rush of Eastern Europeans looking for employment in the service industry has been larger in the capital, then anywhere else! I hear that last time they checked, it was estimated that upwards of a million foreign nationals live and work on a day to day basis in London! Which... sounds kind of scary, doesn't it?

Still, if you've been wondering whether you can afford to get a second job, then I suggest you re-estimate your finances and the idea of taking on low-cost nannies or other assistance! The result is great for the economy, as you contribute to another person’s livelihood while being given a better chance to pursue your own.

Which is nothing more, but the pompous way of me saying that I'd rather pay to a maid to keep the house clean, then have Tate's mum come over once a week to put her "baby's staff in order"! Now that latter part is simply scaring me out of my wits...

Hot-but-nameless-or-whatever... Now's your chance to save the day!

And here I was thing that I'd never have to say those words!

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