Monday 13 December 2010

The Killing Call

Title reference: "The Killing Dance" by Laurell K. Hamilton

Tate's been on a mission to call his sister Lily, who lives in Canada, since 6:00 am this morning, although so far his success rate hasn't been higher than that of a teenager trying to hit on his young Psychology teacher! (Yes, I do speak from experience... but Miss Lesslie was worth every penny I spent on flowers and apples! That is, until it turned out that's she's a part of a bank-robbing gang! Then I wanted my money back!) Anyway, Tate, being Tate, tried everything possible to contact his sister... Then he woke me up to ask what's the password for the wireless, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right? Still, if he'd managed to establish a connection, with no Internet on... I'd have proclaimed him a genius! Now... Well, "genius" is not the first word that comes to my mind. It's not even the second... or third...

Wow, I'd say "genius" as a description is pretty low on my list! Who'd have guessed, huh?

But back on topic, once the connection was established (guess our password and I'd give you a cookie!) we had a moment of wondering how does those cheap international calls that everyone talks about work? I mean, I know that Tate's brother was trying to explain to us something similar a while back, but... I don't generally make an effort to remember things I won't immediately need. What? What?! Sue me!

Anyway, that whole topic reminds me of a certain (dull, long and funny!) joke I heard once, a long, long time ago... OK, it wasn't that long ago really, but still... All good stories start with a "Once upon a time", right? So... here goes nothing:

Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. A cell phone on a bench rings and a man engages the hands-free speaker function and begins to talk. Everyone else in the room stops to listen.

Man: "Hello?"

Woman: "Honey, it's me. Are you at the club?"

Man: "Yes."

Woman: "I am at the mall now and found this beautiful leather coat. It's only $1,000. Is it okay if I buy it, sweetie?"

Man: "Sure... go ahead if you like it that much. I want you to be happy."

Woman: "I also stopped by the Mercedes dealership and saw the new models. I saw one that I really liked. It's a beautiful silver."

Man: "How much?"

Woman: "$60,000"

Man: "Okay, but for that price I want it with all the options."

Woman: "Great! Oh, and just one more thing... the house we wanted last year is back on the market. They're asking $950,000."

Man: "Wow, then go ahead and make them an offer, but just offer $895,000."

Woman: "Okay. Thank you darling -- you're wonderful! I'll see you later! I love you!"

Man: "Bye, I love you too."

The man hangs up. The other men in the locker room are looking at him in astonishment.

Then he asks: "Anyone know who this phone belongs to?"

O, my, just thinking about that joke makes me laugh to tears! I can totally picture Tate doing something similar... if he ever went to a golf club, that is! Anyway, a bit more seriously now: we made an on-line search and came up with some simple ways to make calls and save money, without worrying about the connection!

As it turns out, modern telecommunication industry cares a lot (or as much as any industry could "care" about anyone's needs!) about its customers' needs and requirements for quality calls at low prices.

The only requirement to take advantage of them is to follow the new trends in VoIP services, allowing you to make cheap international calls! The advantage of VoIP technology is that it can provide different kinds of calling plans all depending on the consumers’ demands. And for sure it is not complicated at all to be used. (Well, Tate would beg to differ, but he'd have a problem switching the lamp on, if you don't show him how to do it... Some husband he'll make!) However most of the providers require from the user to register in order to get an account, there are also some providers that offer the trial for free, or give unlimited access.

To summarise, as I understand it, thanks to the great development in the telecommunication industry, making international calls and staying in touch with your partners, friends, relatives and so on is easy from any place and at any time!

More importantly, the modern technology for cheap international calls with your mobile phone does not require WiFi, 3G or any other internet connection.

Which leads to one very important question: Tate, why in the world did you need the wireless to call your sister?!

To quote a popular song by certain female-fronted band:

If this is communication
I disconnect
I’ve seen you, I know you
But I don’t know
How to connect, so I disconnect

(To those who may concern: "certain" band is The Cardigans and the song is called "Communication"!)

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