Tuesday 4 January 2011

Out of the Holidays

Title reference: "Out of the Dark" by David Weber

Happy New Year, to everyone who may stumble upon this blog or who, for reasons unknown to me, has decided to follow it regularly! (If you're the latter, I'm forever grateful! Tate as well... And he'd say so, if I could dig him out from under the debris of paper cups, plates, food left-overs, forgotten clothes, broken... O, forget it! We've got a mess on our hands, OK?) I'm proud to inform you that our New Year's party was a total success and if we'd invited... I dunno... Lily Allen, or something, we'd have definitely made the news! Or, at least, some second class newspaper... I mean, being in the news is being the news, right? Still, we pulled it off so well, that even when Tate played ABBA's "Happy New Year" no body seemed to mind... Well, I would have, if I wasn't already too out of it to care... Ooh... my head hurts...

Anyway, as I've already pointed out, but will do again just for repetition's sake, no matter how cool a party is, the domestic cleaning which follows is always hell! And how is it fare, if I may ask, that some come, consume and then go, while others are left behind to take care of the mess? Shouldn't there be a law against "abandoning the ship", before it's cleaned and put back in order, or something? I think it's high time the authorities take care of the matter... Ah, forget it!

It's always the same deal, people. Those who offer to host the party, have to deal with the party-leftovers later! The whole "chicken and egg" thing! Ah, Tate turn ABBA off! My head still hurts!

Back on topic, after a particularly vicious headache on the 1st of January, that makes the one tormenting me now seem like a free vacation on the Bahamas, I gathered Tate, Lulu and What-Was-Her-Name-Again and had them roll up their sleeves and get to work, as we really, really needed to put the house in some semblance of an order, before our landlord stopped by to wish us a "Happy New Year"! O, if he only knew what Sofocle (our dog) had done to his curtains... Umm, I didn't say that! I-so-did-not! But if we pretend that I did (for only a second, that is!) I'd have to say that the main reason for me wanting to clean the house so fast was the nagging feeling of guilt over the curtains, nesting in my gut! So we scrubbed, and washed, and rubbed, and... Well, hoovered, or whatever, until we almost passed out of exhaustion, and still there was so much to do...

So much, that even Miss I-Know-All-There-Is-About-Cleaning suggested we took pity on ourselves and called a house cleaning company to come and deal with the mess for us. I mean, they are professionals and would know how to deal with the problems at bay much faster and better then me or Tate, right?

Still, do you know what I found out, when I started calling companies just after the holidays? That, apparently, most of London relies on their services, after all the partying's done and over! They were booked, almost all of them! And it's not like there's just one home cleaning company London has to offer... There's a lot of them! So, either English folk are the laziest ones in the world...

...or our cleaning services are just that good, right? Right?

Tate, for the last time, off with ABBA!

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